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发布时间:2021-06-07 17:14:24 阅读: 来源:草坪厂家

引言  2018年12月11日,HYN全球首发在Bibox和Bgogo两大交易所,首日上线涨幅达到270%,盘中涨幅最高超过500%  在此之际,hyperion的CEO写了一封信,回答了关于海伯利安的文化和对未来的思考。  中文译本  亲爱的朋友,  我们常被问起:海伯利安的文化是什么?每问及此,我们都深感骄傲。今天就让我们谈谈?伯利安,以及那引领我们前行、驱动我们进步、在漫漫征程中凝聚力量的文化。  驰于想、雅于思、敏于行  “世界只是我们想象的画布”。把世界想象成画布,海伯利安就是我们?中的画笔,社群便能为世界描述未来蓝图。  今天,社群创建称心如意的地图服务,用户得以保护?己的数据。在此之前,世界普遍缺乏可信的、精确的、能保护隐私的地图服务。由数学保证的无需信任的地图服务,只能靠将地图治理转交给社区才能实现。  我们畅想未来的地图服务应当是由众包技术、众享经济、众治社区构成的技术、经济和社区治理相融的一体化设计。  “驰于想、雅于思、?于行”或许听起来抽象而难以捉摸。但是,它对我们来说却是一个非常自然而具体的概念——我们想要的文化由基元组成,而不是貌似有理的框架。  基元是简单的、基础的、有效的,又极具活力,是面对现实问题的灵丹妙药。基元如此迷人,犹如乐谱之于音乐、色彩之于绘画、符号之于数学。  从第一天开始,我们就意识到,在这样一个充满变化的世界里,无论一家公司规模多么大,都无法有效地在世界任何角落提供可信且精确的地图。唯有以社区为中心才能做到。  在海伯利安的一体化设计中,基元则分别是出色的工具、可持续的机制和透明且稳健的治理。  “驰于想、雅于思、?于行”就是我们的“北极星”。  我们要以狂野?优雅的方式去想象、去思考、去行动,快步迈向崭新世界,这个世界有着社群创造的可信的、私密的、可靠的地图服务。这句箴言早已不仅是?捷开发的工程方法,而是一种哲学和原则。  ?伯利安属于我们每个人,工程师、设计师、营销人和布道者都将是定义和实现?伯利安愿景的一份子。  我们将在未来几周内发布工具,促进社区协作。我们深知建?立一个充满活力的社区要靠行动而不是口号。  ?伯利安的事业是一场伟大实验,让我们果敢顽强、持之以恒、严格缜密地参与其中来推进这场实验。  现在,海伯利安触手可及。

您诚挚的  Isaac Zhang, 于?伯利安  英文原版  Dear friends,  What’s Hyperion’s work culture like? This is a question we frequently get asked. With utmost pride, let’s talk about Hyperion: the culture and what motivates us to embark on this exciting new journey.  Imagine wild. Think elegant. Build fast.  “The world is but a canvas to our imagination”. We imagine that the world can be a canvas and Hyperion is the brush. Today, as a community, we are empowered to create a map service and scale this as we see fit. As users, we can take back control of our data. What we lacked previously was a trusted map service that is accurate and preserves privacy. It must be trust-less—guaranteed by mathematics and this can only be realized by transferring the governance of maps to open communities. We envision a future where maps are crowd built, shared and governed: an integrated design of technology, economy and community governance.  “Imagine wild. Think elegant. Build fast.” may sound abstract and elusive. On the contrary, it is a very natural and specific concept to us – that what we need is not just another plausible framework, but instead the primitives, the simple basics and foundations that are effective, exhibit intense vitality, a direct remedy to real-world problems. Primitives are beautiful like notes to music, colors to painting and symbols to Maths. We realized on our very first day that not a single company, however large it may be, can effectively provide a trusted and accurate map for every location in our dynamic world. A community centric approach is the way can remedy this. The primitive to our integrated design would be the tools, sustainable mechanism and robust governance as a community.  This is our North Star. We want to imagine, think and build in wild and elegant ways -- moving fast towards a world that has a map service where it is trusted, private and secured by the community. Our mantra will extend beyond just an engineering methodology. Designers, marketers and evangelists will also be a part of defining what Hyperion really is. We will release tools in coming weeks to encourage and enable community collaboration. After all, we know building a vibrant community is all about actions, not slogans, and that such an undertaking requires bold, persistent and rigorous experimentations. Hyperion is now in your hands.

Yours Sincerely,  Isaac Zhang, Hyperion


